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Related article: common in the great human drama ? Shakespeare, for ex- ample, would never have been the greatest of all playwrights. It is well for us all that the public for which he wrote had not yet estranged itself from that old fondness foi: spectacular cere- monies which Catholicism had fostered during so many centuries. We who are Protestants should remember this ; and let Buy Korean Red Ginseng us never forget that Shakespeare did for Ginseng Tablets Benefits the world's drama precisely what the noble Catholic painters achieved for the world V art ; for he created Price Of Wild Ginseng and made popular hitherto undreamed-of types of glorious womanhood. It was thus that chivalry was exalted into an art for ever new and beautiful, winning, ennobling ; and great was the Buy Ginseng Seeds disgust and horror of such Elizabethan puritans as Gosson and Stubbs ! I have made these remarks only because we are all too apt to forget that a deep meaning under- lies every historic account of the street-ceremonies by which our mediaeval ancestors set the great- est store. This delight was indeed, the acorn out of which the oak-tree of Shakespeare's genius was to grow. I now add that women took part in every pageant, and it is curious to note how the Anglo-Saxon spirit of rude comedy, Where To Buy Wisconsin Ginseng of burlesque, gave a quaint character to even the most impressive pageantries. For example, when the whole popu- lation of London turned out to honour Henry the Fifth after his ever-memorable victory at Agin- court, it was not an official of high rank who at the entrance of London Bridge recited the ode of welcome and thanksgiving, — it was ** a huge giant *' ; and while the populace gazed at a lion and an antelope placed on the top of one temporary tower, a choir of angels cleared its throat on the summit of another hard by, and then sang '* Blessed is he that Cometh in the name of the Lord.*' Elsewhere, Where Can I Buy Siberian Ginseng standing on a tower at Cornhill, the patriarchs of the City not only **sang unto the Lord a new song," but threw live birds at their king, " that flew thick ** about his head. Yes, it was a popular holiday indeed. At Cheapside the conduits ran wine, instead of water, and more angels on towers " showered down gold pieces, or imitations of the same." Such pageants rejoiced every heart **in the brave days of old." Now and then, however, they led to things more distressing than we moderns can describe. We learn, for instance, from Mr. Ditchfield's charming *' Story of our English Towns," that in Chester, on the eve of the festival of John the Baptist, there was long a famous pageant known as ** the setting of the watch," in which the chief actors were a camel, an ass, a dromedary, Buy Wisconsin Ginseng a dragon, a unicorn, four paste- board giants, and sixteen living, naked little boys, winged as Cupids. Now these little boys were dear to the whole city. Year after year the old Rows were crowded with their admirers till a day came when they so shocked the modesty of one mayor that he ** whipped them away." Yes, «* and he slew the dragon with the skill of a St. George, and broke the pasteboard giants." Then the women rebelled, and the men fought the battle, Ginseng 250 Mg and in due course the historic players were restored. Once more the naked bodies of the sixteen little Cupids Ginseng 1000 Mg either shone in the sun, or else were washed by the rain Buy Siberian Ginseng ; and great care was taken 1899.] ENGLISHWOMEN AND THEIR SPORTS AND GAMES. 103 to preserve the giants from enemies more numerous than puritanic mayors would ever be. Those enemies were rats, so that a shilling's worth of ar- senic was mixed with the paste when the giants were manu- factured. We pass on now to the games of club-ball and stool-ball, games dear to the girls of England. Club-ball was played in two ways, and both were right. A manu- script in the Bodleian Library, dated 1344, gives a picture re- presenting a girl in the act of throwing the ball to a lad, whose bat is ready to send it flying among some other players, who stand waiting Wild Ginseng Price to catch the devious thing. Here, doubtless, we have the origin of cricket. In earlier times only two players seem to have taken part in this game, for only two are seen in a manuscript of Henry III.*s reign, where the batswoman holds the ball, Where To Buy Siberian Ginseng while the Ginseng 200 Mg other player, like American Ginseng Price a too eager fielder at point or in the slips, bends forward in a ludicrous posi- tion, holding out his hands. How this game was won does not ap- pear. Perhaps the girl always had her way! The secrets of stool-ball seem less obscure. In its simplest form, apparently, a girl sat on a stool and tried to prevent another player from hit- ting it with a ball. But the sport developed into a kind of rounders. A number of stools, set at a given distance from each other were placed in a great circle round two players, a batsman and a bowler ; the batting side sat on the stools, and thus there was some difficulty in starting to run when the ball was hit. D'Urfey sang about this pastime, and perhaps no friend of temperance principles would recite the fol- lowing verse at a village con- cert : — ** Down in a vaJe on a summer's day, All the lads and the lassies meet to be merry, A match at kisses and stool-ball to play. And for cakes and ale, and cider and perry. Come all, great, small, short, tall, away to stool-ball ! " Archery. The games which I have just described were for children only, and Where To Buy Korean Red Ginseng from the time of Edward III. every young man of sixteen had to give them up, so that he might qualify himself at the archery butts for the honour of carrying twelve French lives in his quiver. The other sex, too, at least as early Ginseng Price Per Pound as the fourteenth century, enjoyed the fine exercise of the bow, to the injury of rabbits, small birds, and the royal deer. Foremost among the Di Vernons of a later time stands Queen Elizabeth, whom we know as an excellent archer and a plucky rider in the chase. Then one may call special attention to the Lady Catherine Howard, Lord Berkeley's first wife, who was ** see good an archer Red Ginseng Price Price Of Ginseng Per Pound at butts with the long bow, as Korean Ginseng 100 Mg her side by her Where To Buy Ginseng Seeds was never the weaker." As a rule, also, she kept ** a cast or two of merlins, which sometimes